Members Present: Fr. Jay Seymour, Deacon Pat Lyons, Sister Shirley Ann Brown, Linda Hutton, John Kelly, Melanie Kring, Michael Martin, Mary Mazurkiewicz, David Murray, Tammy Sherry and Nancy J Williams
Members Absent: Michael Bogart (Trustee), Norma Hall, Chris McRoberts, Marge McCullough (Trustee) and Lee Phalen
The meeting was opened by Fr. Jay Seymour at 7:05pm with a prayer and reflection on the gospel reading. Council members reviewed the minutes of the September 14, 2016 meeting, and Deacon Patrick made a motion to accept the minutes. The motion was seconded by Michael Martin and the minutes were approved.
Vision, Priorites and Goals
Fr. Jay commented on the Vision, Priorities and Goals for ministries and service as set by the Bishop's Diocesan initiative in 2014 - ongoing efforts to "Create a Culture of Vocations" moved ahead with a recent conference held in Norfolk to guide parishes in creating an environment for vocations with a focus on families. Presenter, Rhonda Gruenewald, author of Hundrefold:A Guide to Parish Vocation Ministry , led participants through practical steps, events and activities that encourage awareness of all vocations with an emphasis on priesthood but focusing on religious vocations and marriage as well. Parishioners Lisa Proven and David Murray attended the conference and will help develop and implement a plan for our parish.
There ar-To foster involvement of young people in our parish, Youth Minister , Sister Patty, has encouraged attendance at an upcoming Advent play by the Immaculate Heart Central Mystery Players to be held at St. Peter's on December 11 at 6:30 pm. Adults are also invited.
-Family Catechesis continues with classes after Sunday Mass for grades 1-6. Older students meet on Sunday afternoons but there will be no Confirmation this year.
-The Diocesan Living Stones Pastoral Plan provides the projected parish configurations for the coming years. All parishes in the diocese are to present a timeline for implementation of the plan to the planning office by November 27, 2016. According to the plan, our pastor will be responsible for summer mass in Redwood and Sunday mass will no longer be offered in Rossie. This is not expected to occur until there is a retirement in either Clayton or Alexandria Bay which is not expected in 2017. (Note: Redwood will remain part of the Catholic Community of Alexandria)
Buildings and Grounds
A decision has not yet been made regarding which company will be hired to direct the Diocesan Capital Campaign which the Bishop is looking at for 2018. Our parish has been given tentative permission to realize the campaign this coming year of 2017 with an eye toward the renovation of our Parish Center. At this time, we are looking at a possible goal of $500.000.
The interior painting At St. Patrick's Church in Rossie is nearing completion. At St. John's, the lights are fixed and sidewalk repairs at both St. John's and St. Peter's are complete. Local glass artist, Scott Ouderkirk has removed two of the glass windows at St. John for repair.
The windows at the convent need to be replaced. It was also suggested repairing or enclosing the concrete steps at the back of the convent and fixing or replacing the fans at St. Peter's Church. In addition, members recommend removing the evergreens in the front of the convent and having the new Stations of the Cross hung at St. Peter's.
Advent starts November 27. The small booklets for daily reflection will be available, Parishioners are encouraged to take a few minutes a day for daily reflection. There are a number of activities being offered within the parish including a Prayer Partners name exchange, Christmas boxes for the Food Pantry, and a Giving Tree. Luminaria will be available for sale by the St. Peter's Altar Rosary and St. John's Altar Rosary will have a Kissing Ball sale after masses.
Christmas Mass Schedule
Christmas is on a Sunday this year. The Mass schedule will be the existing times--St. John's-Saturday, December 24 at 5:30 pm, and Sunday December 25 - 8:00 am at St. Patrick's, 9:30 am at St. Peter's, and 11:00 am at St. John's.
Our parish goal of $24,640 for the 2016 Bishop's Fund is at 85%--$19,078
The meeting adjourned at 8:10 pm
The next meeting will be held Wednesday, January 11, 2017 at 7:00 pm at St. Peter's
Respectfully Submitted,
Nancy J. Williams